Seeking Artists

The Lake

Nimue is looking for artists to contribute artwork for our new Trading Card Game, Round Table! We are looking for ALL kinds of artwork, not a specific genre or style. We want to open this up as much as possible, so abstract, modern, watercolor, digital, anime/manga, Raphaelite… Anything and everything!

We have a list of all the cards we’re planning for the first run of the game production. If you sign up as a prospective artist, you’ll have access to the list and can submit work you’ve already created or create entirely new works for specific cards on the list.

We have a wide variety of subjects, so don’t hesitate to check it out and see if there’s something that sounds interesting to you.

How Will This Work?

Unfortunately, we can’t afford to pay everyone right off the bat. We wish we could! But, in lieu of that, we are proposing a revenue-sharing model for artists who license their artwork for our cards.

In a model similar to what Magic: the Gathering did back in the early-90s, we are proposing providing one share of Class B stock to artists for each piece of work accepted for a card. The more of your art that’s accepted, the more shares you earn. We will be sharing the profits of the company with all of the artists as often as we can and each artist will earn an amount equal to the number of shares they have versus the total shares issued. For instance, if there are 100 shares issued and you have 5 shares, you’ll get 5% of the total profits shared with the artist community.

We will be sharing at least 50% of the profit from the company with the artists. The board of directors may increase from time to time, but the artists will share at least half of the profits (the rest being used for running the actual business).

What’s the Catch?

Nimue would like to license the art from you for the cards only. You retain all rights to your original work and can sell prints, digital downloads, mouse pads, towels, tapestries – whatever you want. We won’t do anything with your artwork outside of the context of the full card display without your permission. For instance, we might sell large poster-sized versions of the cards including your artwork, but we won’t do anything with just your art. And we can sell your work – if you’d like us to – through our website; all proceeds for those sales go directly to you.

So we don’t think there’s a catch. We think this allows you, the artist, to benefit from your work and allows us to get some amazing pieces for our cards. But let us know what you think!

For More Information

Check out our gallery for some of the artwork we used in the playtest version of the game. And don’t be shy – we really are looking to make the best product we possibly can and would love to include your art.

You can reach out to us at or to learn more. We really look forward to seeing what you submit!

8 thoughts on “Seeking Artists

  1. Pingback: Art Gallery -
  2. Hello, my name is Hyungyu Kim; you may call me Morgo. I am an amateur artist with a big passion toward board games and card games. I would like to contribute to your project and sign up as an artist. So how do I start? Do I have to submit the art first corresponding to the Card List?

    I am currently interested in depicting Quests; looking at and playing with different kinds of trading cards gave me a basic knowledge of what to draw to evoke what the given card names are trying to convey.

    You can check on my Instagram account for my art styles.

    1. Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in contributing.

      The Card List has all of the cards currently slated for the first production run. I’m also going to putting this up on the wiki for the site, which will have more detailed information about each card and will show which cards have art currently assigned, etc.

      Feel free to look at the cards and find ones that you already have work that you think would be a good match and you can send the sample of your art and which card to

      Thanks again! I can’t wait to see what you’re submitting!

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